Scientific Support
The Diana Screen has three independent risk measures. These measures are supported by 20 years of research and two long-term pilot studies with The Episcopal Church Pension Fund, The Boys and Girls Clubs, and First Nonprofit Insurance Company.
The Diana Screen’s measures assess both an applicant’s understanding of appropriate adult/child sexual boundaries and the probability that an applicant has had sexual contact with a child or teenager.
The first two Diana Screen measures are confidential to protect the integrity of the screen. The Diana Screen`s third measure, through an advance in technology, analyzes answer patterns. Using a complex methodology, The Diana Screen matches applicant's answer patterns to those of verified child sexual abusers who were lying while answering the questions on The Diana Screen . These answer patterns of lying child sexual abusers are significantly different from most people in the general population. Applicants whose answer patterns match verified child sexual abusers have a high probability of having already sexually abused a child. The Diana Screen questions were tested on over 100,000 previous test-takers.
These Diana Screen measures are supported by peer-reviewed scientific articles. For more information about the science behind The Diana Screen or to arrange an in-depth discussion, please Contact Us or call Abel Screening at 404.874.4772.