The #1 Sexual Risk Screen To Protect Children and Communities
The Diana Screen is an easy to use, computer-based, pre-hire/volunteer risk management screen that reduces sexual risk to children and teens. Scientifically validated and backed by over 20 years of research, The Diana Screen asks a series of questions that helps to identify applicants who fail to recognize sexual boundaries between adults and children.
The Diana Screen
Helps identify the safest staff and volunteers to care for
children and teens
Helps identify applicants who fail to recognize sexual
boundaries between adults and children and those at a high
risk to have already sexually abused a child
Is easy to use and fast
Is administered on a computer
Is on a 4th grade reading level
Is available in English and Spanish
Results available the same day
Is scientifically validated
An addition to the interview
Used as one component of an organization's overall application/interview/screening process
Quickly and inexpensively asks the sexual risk questions that staff do not have the experience to ask
Scientifically Validated and Thoroughly Field Tested
Research from six federal grants led to the publication of many peer reviewed articles which support The Diana Screen
Validated preliminary research by the FBI
Over 100,000 people have answered The Diana Screen questions
Independent Legal Review – Federal and state legal review conducted by National Legal Research Group, Inc.
Criminal Background Checks Aren't Enough
Because most acts of child and teen sexual abuse are never reported to the police, criminal background checks are largely ineffective at identifying individuals who may have already sexually abused a child. In fact, ChoicePoint reported looking at over 3.5 million background checks and finding only 0.2% that could be identified as sexual offenders. In contrast to background checks, The Diana Screen does not rely on public records or criminal histories. The Diana Screen methodology provides much more effective results.
Using The Diana Screen accomplishes the following:
Helps identify applicants who are most likely to cross sexual boundaries with children and teens
Acts as a deterrent
Helps agencies select the safest adults to work with children and teens
For more information about The Diana Screen or Abel Screening's line of Child Protection Products, please Contact Us or call at 404.874.4772.
For a list of sources supporting the information on this page, go to References.