The Abel–Blasingame Assessment System for individuals with intellectual disabilities™ (ABID) is like the AASI-3, but uniquely adapted for clinicians to use with clients who have special needs.
The ABID contains an objective measure of sexual interest and questionnaire
components, but is specifically designed for use with adults and
adolescents with FSIQs of 60 and above. The ABID is a comprehensive
assessment system that may be used with individuals who have learning
and/or developmental disabilities.The ABID Questionnaire, written on a
2nd grade reading level, is read aloud by the evaluator and is
administered as a semi-structured interview. Questions with concrete
visual aids assist the therapist in determining the client's level of
understanding of age, body parts, and sexuality.
Using the ABID
The ABID is administered on a Windows®-based laptop. Once the client completes the test, the evaluator sends the data electronically to Abel Screening for processing. The detailed report is returned to the evaluator within 10 to 20 minutes.
If you are a clinician interested in more information about the ABID or other Abel Screening assessment tools, please Contact Us
or call 404.874.4772.
Each ABID Assessment Report includes:
Objective Measurements of Sexual Interest in Children
Age Discrimination Review
Sexual Attraction and Fantasy Survey
Cognitive Distortion Scale
Psychosexual and Sexual Abuse Victimization History
Social Desirability Scale
Substance Abuse History
Accusations, Arrests, and Convictions Review
Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors Summary and Narrative
Items of Concern or Requiring Follow-up
Risk Assessment Tools:
Client’s Age
Age and Gender of Victims
Sexual and Non-sexual Accusations, Charges and Arrests
Length of Live-in Relationships
Maladaptive Sexual History
Sexual Interest in Children